Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moon Rocks?

Between 1969 and 1972, the Apollo mission to the moon returned to Earth with pieces of the moon's surface.  Space scientists eagerly tested these samples.  They wanted to learn what the moon was made of.  They found that the moon's surface was made of material similar to the material that makes up Earth.  But is this material really "rock"?

The BIG Question:  What are rocks?

With your group, use the suggested resources to develop an explanation that can be used to answer this simple, but important, question.  Make sure that you have good evidence and reasoning to support your explanation.  You can record any observations or notes you make on the shared workspace at your table.


Discover what rocks are and how rocks are formed here on Earth:
Rock Hounds with Rocky
Geography 4 Kids

Read about the moon samples brought back by the Apollo astronauts and what tests scientists have done on them:
Smithsonian: Moon Rocks Exhibit

Check your work with the following rubric... remember to make improvements before we share:


  1. Period
    Table Character

    Which table had the best argument? (Most convincing evidence.)
    Why? What was their best piece of evidence?
    Did your table agree with their argument, originally or were you convinced?

  2. period 1
    nest table
    we actually think that our table was the best because we explained the most. our best piece of evidence was that lunar basalt was found on the moon during the apollo 11 mission to the moon.we do agree with our argument.

  3. Period one ,
    table character "moths"
    Moth's had the best argument
    because ,we agreed what they had to say
    basalt yes we agreed with thier argument

  4. period 1
    table character Frog

    We think the Moths had the best argument because they had a lot of evidence and details.

    We think that because of they're fact about lunar rock.

    We agreed with they're argument originally.

  5. Period-1
    table character-moths
    We think that the worms had the best argument because they had far more evidence and facts than the other groups and proved that the moon had rocks.They figured out that the basalt was a rock because it has diff. minerals and that it was found on the moon so the moon has rocks.

  6. Period 1
    Table Worms

    The best argument we thought was the Moths and the Frogs. What we liked about them was that they had all of our information and MORE! Their best piece of evidence was that they both talked about the Apollo Mission and what they brought back.

  7. Period 1

    We liked the bird nest because we thought that they had a good argument.We also liked the bird nest because they were very detailed & specific in their work.We agreed with the bird nests.

  8. period three,
    table character moths
    The table we vote for is the nests,
    because they gave us more information about moon rocks. The nests agree that moon rocks are really
    rocks!!!!!! :D

  9. Period 3
    Nest table
    We think that the worms had the best argument. They had the best evidence because they said that the rocks on the moon are similar to the rocks on the earth. We agreed with their theory because we said that moon rocks are the same as earth rocks just like them.

  10. period 3 worms,
    We think the worms were the best group because they had good information it was very detailed
    and it had a good explanation. We also liked the pictures of the rocks! We were all convinced that the moon had rocks. That's why we think the worms had the best poster.

  11. Period 3
    We liked the moths because we thought that they had a better argument. we also liked the moths because they had good details and the moths were very specific.That's why we agreed on the moths.
    November 8,2010 10:40 a.m.

  12. period 3
    frogs had the best argment
    becasuse they studyed about rocks and every rock has a minral and that moon rock have many minrals and they foud out a new one that is on the moon it look like pumice but we don't no if it floats

  13. perid 3

    We liked our poster becuase we had a lot more of
    facts.And also we had a good argument. Our facts were practiclly our argument. We had a hard time figuring out who's to do

  14. period 4
    Our team thought that the worms had the best argument because they had evidence to show there answer and question and actulally they wrote down 2 questions.And answered them both.

  15. period 4

    We liked the hedgehogs because they had a lot of facts about what the moon was made of. They also had nice pictures. The pictures showed how igneous rocks were made and some kinds of minerals that were in/on the moon.That is why we like the hedgehogs.

  16. period 4
    We thought That are table was the best because we used very specific examples and used very good word choice. we thought the second best was the period 4 hedgehogs because theirs was pretty detailed but ours was still more detailed and we actually answer the big question "What are rocks?". Rocks are a combination of different common materials . Rocks come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. That is why we think our poster best describe moon rocks and answered the big question "What are rocks?"

  17. Period 4

    We liked the worms the best because we thought
    that they tested more information and that we understood there argument was the best. They had some pretty good facts, the worms gave really good facts about rocks.

  18. Per4 frogs,
    We think the worms were the best.
    They made sense with there project, there
    art was good and there spelling was good.
    they talked about the rocks on the moon.

  19. period4
    nest table

    We think the worm were the best.They said that
    there is igneous on the moon.Yes all agreed with it yes we were conviced.

  20. Period 4
    We thought that the moths had the best evidence because they put reasons and questions and there answers.
    They had reasons like igneous rock are on the moon and on Earth.
    Earth sand is organic moon sand is not.

  21. Period 6
    We thought that the frogs were the best. They had a ton of evidence. We could also easily read their evidence across the poster. The explanation was very convincing. They did a great job. Way to go frogs!

  22. Period 6
    We are voting for the porcupines, because, they presented wonderful evidence on subjects we did not mention in our poster, that makes perfect sense. We think that they did a very good job on their colorful project. They had to convince us on metamorphic and sedimentary rocks but not igneous.

  23. period 6

    We think the frog table has the best evadence to prove that the moon is made of rocks. We think that because they had the most detailed information like, different things that NASA has
    found out about the rocks that they have brought
    down to Earth from the Moon.We originally agreed that moon rocks are really rocks.

  24. Period 6
    table turtles
    We thought that the frogs did the best job
    because, they explained it very well and we
    think their poster was very colorful and neat.
    They said yes to the big question and we agreed.

  25. Period 6
    we thought the nest were the best. they had a alot of reasons for why moon rocks are rocks. the reasoning was great . they convinced us easily.
    good job nest!

  26. Period 6
    We thought that the frogs had the best argument.
    They had a very descriptive explanation and we could clearly understand what they were telling us. They did a great job. Great job Frogs!!!

  27. period 6
    We are voting for the porcupines because we think we did way better than most other people and some group didn't have good facts like us. We maybe wrong so we thought we should vote for are selves. I hope we the other groups did good.

  28. p.7

    We think that the porcupine table had the best argument because their evidence explained that the moon rock doesn't have any organic matter and that it is made up of iron and nickel.....
    We all agreed that they had the best argument!!
    November 8, 2010 2:27

  29. period 7
    We think the turtles are the best.
    We think that because they had a lot of good information along with explanations. We agree with our evedence because we had a lot of information too!

  30. Period-7
    The group that had the best evidence was birds nests. Because they convinced us the most that moon rocks are really rocks because they had a lot of facts and evidence. Way to go birds nests. But all groups did good too.
    November 8, 2010

  31. P7

    We thought that Turtles did the best because their evidence proved that moon rocks are rocks. Their best piece of evidence stated that "Basalt is a rock found on the moon and Earth." No we were not convinced we still think moon rocks are not rocks, but they did provide us with good evidence stating that moon rocks are rocks.

  32. period 7
    frog table

    We thought the turtles were the best because they put lots of information about how they thought that it was a rock. We thought that the turtles best information was that rocks on the Earth are almost like the rocks on the moon. We were not convinced but we thought the same thing as them.
    November 8, 2010 2:37

  33. 7 period
    We think the hedgehogs poster on Are moon rocks really rocks? is the best because they have 2 good evidence. Their best piece of evidence was that moon rocks don't have any organic matter. We did not agree with their argument but after reading their evidence it convinced us that moon rocks and earth rocks are not the same thing.

  34. period 7
    We think the squirrel group had the most convincing poster because they had the most evidence and told what the moon was made of and what the earth was made of and they convinced us easily!way to go squirrels!

    i also agree with my teemmates and that the squirrels did a really good job good luck
