Thursday, June 24, 2010


Unfortunately, I picked up the nasty virus that my kiddos had last week and missed Geocaching at tech camp. Lala stayed with my teaching partner and had a blast. I'll have to rely on them to teach me (although I can use a Gps... I can even do it with a topo and compass... This is MT after all.)

Today is all about Bots. The students made "draw bots." I'm wondering how I can partner with our art teacher to design these in science and create with them in art. Here is a variation of what we made:
I'm thinking that we could collaborate on a "recycle, reuse, repurpose" project. The added science connections are electricity and, for middle and HS level students, the physics of how and why they "draw" the way they do. Students could experiment with the shape of the bot body, the length of the legs, the orientation of the propeller etc. Great critical thinking skill builder!

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