Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not ignoring tech

I'm not ignoring tech this week.... Just been really sick and then traveling alone cross country (still sick) with three kids in tow. They traveled great- me not so much. Playing with using my Ipod touch for blogging. I have access to a classroom set of those. Collecting ideas for that (and amazing cures for a wicked sore throat!)


  1. Are you using Blogger? I haven't been able to figure out how to post from my Touch yet. (Not that I've tried that hard...)

    Hope you're feeling better soon. Traveling while ill isn't much fun.

  2. I'm just using Blogger through a browser... you can post via e-mail but this seems as easy. I'm still fighting off whatever I've picked up and my oldest has something new... we just spent the morning in the ER. Gak! Severe headache and vomiting. Three prescriptions later she's on the couch eating dry toast.
