Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2 @ Tech Camp

Today was kind of the goofed up day... I was signed up for a basic Moodle class. I've played with Moodle before. It does lots of things for teachers but I find it clunky just maybe too much for my kids (well, maybe me too). So... I crashed the kids' class of Comic Life.  Cool program but kind of doing "old things in new ways."  That seems to be the theme today.  Cool stuff but not really out of the box creative.  I'm intrigued by the idea of using less paper but not every kid is going to love using technology for every project.  Some just love that feel of paper.  The final class today was Science-In-Tech-Great-ion... sounds cool, right?  Not really about science at all. Just a class on using some tech tools taught using science examples: Photo Story 3, Flip Cameras   I'm kind of geeked about trying out edu.glogster.com for our science fair projects or at least offering it as an option.
Now Edmodo.com, this I think might be the "Moodle" replacement I've been looking for.  It looks a lot like face book and is simpler for kids (and teachers) to navigate than Moodle.  It does lack some of the bells and whistles of  Moodle but as I don't need to teach my class virtually... I think that I can live without them.

That's it so far... except that my daughter has started a blog to chronicle the adventures of her "hexbug."  She's been taking pictures of it at Tech Camp this week.


  1. I, too, am playing with Edmodo. If you go to my latest post, I've got a link to my own Edmodo page, and a link to join. I'd love it if you would go check it out, because I'm trying to figure out how to use this tool.
    I've been roped into presenting at our district's Tech Camp in August simply because I'm a sucker who can use a few extra bucks, who's happened to do some work with a Smart board and Noteshare. I kind of wish I could do a session or two on some of the tools we're learning about here. Maybe next year.

  2. The invitation to the Teachers group is 3404up.

  3. I'm glad to see you two connected. If Edmodo is something that you are both strongly interested in, I encourage you to collaborate and run with it. Make the application of Edmodo to your class the focus of the course (you can still play with other web tools). Give yourself the time to think about how you can use it in a robust way!
