Sunday, July 25, 2010

Digital Science Fair

Here is my final project, ever evolving and hopefully improving with student input..

The science fair really is the final unit of my class and take about 4 weeks of work to come to fruition. I'm planning to have my students make "In Plain English" scientific method videos early in the year and I want to link the best up with the wiki for review. Students will be able to use the Science Buddies site to choose a project and then during the research phase share additional helpful information on the wiki. I've asked them to share their topics with me on a board. The final digital display I'm thinking I may leave up to students. I plan to introduce- with the help of my awesome teaching partners- some other applicable web 2.0 tools so they should have some basis for making a choice. I modeled Glogster with the "home" page of the wiki because I think that this will probably appeal to most of my 6th graders, being a "poster" type. I have a rubric that I use for the science fair that students help modify each year so the rubric is TBD.  I'm deciding between having them share their projects on Edmodo or a specific blog set up for that purpose.  That will probably depend on access issues at my school.

Here is my wiki:


  1. Very neat! I love the glogster embedded on your home page. Very creative and engaging! I imagine that your students love you! I like the wallwisher site to add sticky notes about topics too! Great job!

  2. I posted on our class wiki, but, in a nutshell-love this idea. You put a lot of thought and design into this!

  3. Nice job!! I think your students will really enjoy the creativity that you put into the intro to this project. One quick note...unless I was doing something wrong the link to the scientific method doesn't work. The links that you have are great! I love that you give them resources to start thinking and just like Nancy said, that you use the wallwisher to process and decide on topics.
