Friday, July 30, 2010

Revisiting Guiding Principles

I am so excited to share and use the things I've explored in this class with my students and teaching partners.  It has really changed how I view using technology and the web. In my mind, it's been like going from black and white to technicolor or even 3D... pretty amazing.  I know that it's made me think more about the process of using technology with students... like what skills will they learn not just what content.  That's a big thing.  It didn't really dawn on me until know how much the world is changing and our ways of doing things are changing.  One of the readings talked about educating kids not for the jobs we have now but for the jobs that haven't been invented yet.  Pretty powerful image, isn't it?  That idea really resonated with  me.

So here are my guiding principles... PLUS

1. I will strive to use technology for making learning more accessible, engaging or creating deeper meaning not just because it is "there."

2. I will work hard to make sure my students are safe in the digital world and understand how to interact within it with respect for themselves and others.

3. I will remember that technology is the tool not the answer and endeavor to convey it to my students- because they are the answer!

4. I will learn more about technology from and for my students so I can help better guide their learning.  

5.  I will think about what 21st century skills my students can practice as they use technology and I will try to encourage them to develop these skills.

Best of luck to all! 

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